
You’re sitting in the waiting room of your dream dental office, clutching your resume like it’s the golden ticket to the Willy Wonka factory. You’ve practiced your elevator pitch, studied the office website, and even Googled the best interview outfits. But as the seconds tick by, anxiety creeps in like a cavity, and suddenly, you’re worried about rambling through your responses and wondering if you can even complete a coherent sentence.

First, take a deep breath; we’ve all been there. Nerves are to be expected when you want to put your best self forward. Practicing a communication technique might give you just the confidence you need. The STAR method is a great one for tackling behavioral interview questions. Ones like “Tell me about a time when….” or “Give me an example of…..” When answering these common interview questions, the STAR method has you lay out the Situation, Task, Action, and Result model. This format will keep your interviewer engaged and help you not ramble on. 

S – Situation

Set the scene. Imagine you’re about to regale a thrilling tale of tooth triumph. You’ve got a minute to grab your interviewer’s attention, so set the stage. Think of it as your “Once upon a time.” For instance, “During my time at a previous job, I encountered a situation that required some quick thinking…”

T – Task

Now, your story needs a mission. What task were you assigned, or what challenges did you face? This is where you make it clear that you’re not just any team member; you’re a dental problem-solver! “My task was to calm an anxious patient who had heard one too many horror stories about root canals.”

A – Action

Time to shine like a freshly polished set of veneers! Describe the actions you took to tackle the task at hand. This is where your skills and expertise come into play. “I took a deep breath, put on my friendliest smile, and sat down with the patient. I explained the procedure in simple terms, addressing their concerns with empathy.”

R – Result

This is the finale of your story, where you reveal the outcome of your actions. Did the patient leave the office smiling? “By the end of our conversation, the patient felt more at ease. They even completed the root canal and thanked me for alleviating their fears.”

Now, let’s put the STAR method to the test with a common interview question:

Scenario 1: “Tell me about a time you had to handle a challenging patient.”

S: “At my previous dental office, we had a patient with severe anxiety. They had canceled many appointments and finally made it into the office.”

T: “My task was to create an environment that would make them forget about their dental fear and put them at ease.”

A: “I turned on a calming playlist, dimmed the lights, and even offered them a stress ball shaped like a molar. I explained the procedure step by step, using language they understood, and gave them time to ask lots of questions.”

R: “The patient not only went through with the procedure but also left us a glowing review, mentioning how comfortable and cared for they felt during the entire process.”

Scenario 2: “Describe a situation where you had to work as part of a team in a high-pressure situation.”

S: “During a particularly busy day at an office, our schedule resembled a traffic jam, and patience was wearing thin.”

T: “My task was to ensure the seamless flow of patients while keeping the team’s spirits high.”

A: “I jumped in to assist the overwhelmed receptionist, helping with appointment scheduling and patient check-ins. Meanwhile, I cracked jokes to keep everyone’s stress at bay.”

R: “By the end of the day, we managed to see all our patients without a hitch. Even though we were all a bit tired, our teamwork made the day feel like a successful root canal – challenging but ultimately rewarding.”

Remember, the STAR method is your guiding compass, not a strict script. Feel free to add your flair, inject some humor, and let your passion for dental excellence shine through. Use this as a STAR-studded approach to conquering dental job interviews—no more sweaty palms, shaky voices, or forgetting your name mid-interview. With the STAR method in your job seeker toolkit, you’ll be dazzling interviewers like a pro.

Want more?

For more guidance on questions to ask during the interview, check out: Interviewing with Precision: 10 Essential Questions to Ask and How to Master 3 Popular Interview Questions

And, get your FREE download of The Ultimate Dental Job Seeker Toolkit, complete with worksheets, checklists, tips, and best practices to help you find a job you love.

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